Ana performs regularly in both the UK and Germany and has made recent appearances on Radio 3’s Late Junction, BBC introducing, Radiophrenia Glasgow and received a special mention from WISWOS-woman in sound. In 2022 she recieved a six month fellowship by Musikfonds Berlin/ Neustart Kultur for her ERA GELDES liveset development.
With homemade instruments like some Yuri Landmann versions (12-string table top & steel-on-foam), electrix repeater, samples & field recordings and voice she creates sonic song-landscapes. Witnessing the planets destruction and self empowerment is the main source of her music adventures. These made her recording ice&snow, screwing together passion fruits, studying the relation of tomatoes to theories of Einstein, examining cooking recipes of E.Presley… After finishing her masterclasses in Ableton and mastering with Equalize UK in 2021, she initiated an international and all female musicians peer group.
Sonic CV
After learning flute, Xylophone and Lyra in the school orchestra I learned classical guitar in my teens and started singing in theatre. Later during my studies at ATW Gießen (what is it?) – where I worked on experimental radio, did music performance theatre in my collective and made an album with my Icelandic band project.
Мy Professor Heiner Goebbels often opened doors to work with crazy professionals like the contemporary music ensemble musikfabrik Köln or the Ensemble Modern who got me interested in contemporary classical music by directing scenic concerts for them. And especially since I found myself allowed to do whatever sonically happens when studying with Felix Kubin – the sonic thing got wheels of freedom and strolls beside me, forming blooming outcomes from time to time.
With quite some fuel I concentrate on my solo-project ERA GELDES at the moment. It got quite a boost by a fellowship of my home county NRW and most recently a edu residency at ZIMMT Leipzig, where I will deepen my knowledge about 3D audio.
List of concerts
artist residency for 3D audio SANG at ZIMMT Leipzig
singing the performance-musical Szenario Impulse Festival & Nachtkritik Stream
fellowship music NRW
composition for the theatre show Luxemburg: with a review in Jahrbuch TheaterHeute 2023
6 month fellowship by Musikfonds Berlin for ERA GELDES
Vocalist for the musical Szenario, Theatre Naxos Frankfurt
Windmill Brixton, Smash It Out Festival, Noise shed
Tanzhaus West Frankfurt, Kultursommergarten
Seanaps Festival Leipzig, Radio Residency
Maker Music Festival, online
MS Stubnitz Hamburg, Anachronism
Schwankhalle Bremen, Anachronism
Seilerbahn Frankfurt, Implantieren Festival
Union Chapel London, Daylight Music, in concert with Hackoustic Orchestra
Five Years Gallery London, Storytelling Festival, unplugged
It´s Her Factory London
Moonah Radio Tasmania
Datscha Radio Berlin, Nightgardening II
Leighcester Square London, Main stage, Extinction Rebellion Festival
Harringay London, Boat Stage, Extinction Rebellion Uprising
Frankfurt LAB
Silent Moves Berlin
New River Studios London, opening of Skronk Festival
Datscha Radio Berlin, Frequencies & Fragrancies
Infinite Time Gallery London
New River Studios London
The Others London, Sonic Electronics
Threads Radio London, RFA show with Corporal Tofulung
Musikmesse Frankfurt, Music Tech Fest & Hackoustic
Club Iklectic London, Hackoustics
Pop Montreal Radio
Amersham Arms London, noizemaschine
Aces&Eights London, Cheeseburger&Friends
Uferstudios Berlin, Tanznacht, with Thomas Proksch
Focus Wales Festival, Panel
Stoke On Trent, Noise Floor, Experimental Music and Moving Image Festival
Amersham Arms, NoizeMaschin
Club Iklectic London, with The Hackoustics
Cashmere Radio Berlin, The ear has to travel- Wanderlust
Radio BBC3, Late Junction
Somersethouse London, Hands On Electronic Music Making
Radiophrenia Glasgow
Evimus, 4.Saarbrücker Tage für elektroakustische Musik
ExFed Unit 4, Crux Event
The Others London, Propaganda
Kunsthalle Gießen, Giennale
Cafe Oto London with the Pauline Oliveros Study Group
Brechthaus Berlin
Datscha Radio Berlin
Focus Wales, Wrexham
NoizeFloor Festival
NTS Radio London, Stigmergy Benefits by Laurent Fairon
BBC Radio London, Late Junction, Towards the margin
Resonance Extra Radio
Wave Farm Radio NY
New river Studios London
The Others London
Oriel Sychath Gallery Wrexham, Wales
Central Sant Martins Open Air, London, Zürich meets London Dada Festival
Oriel Sychath Gallery Wrexham, Moving mids
Tilde Music and Soundart Festival Melbourne, AU
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Recent production
Ana Berkenhoff studierte angewandte Theaterwissenschaften in Gießen und als Gast am CNSMD Lyon zeitg. Tanz.
Ihre künstlerische Arbeit oszilliert zwischen den Genres und nutzt Körper, Sprache und Musik auf eigene Weise,
um Bühnen, Tonträger, Zelluloid und Galerien zu bespielen.
Roll over the titles to see an event poster
26.10.24 12-2pm | in concert with Hackoustic Orchestra. Daylight music. St. John Leytonstone, London

Yeah! Sonic research stipend from Musikfonds Berlin and Neustart Kultur for ERA GELDES

25.& 26.11.22 | “Szenario” im Produktionshaus NAXOS in Frankfurt am Main, ein Musical.