ongoing :: Silent Moves Audiowalk
Berlin. 2020
Dauerhafter Audiowalk über die vietnamesische Community.
Audio walk about the Vietnamese community.
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Dauerhafter Audiowalk über die vietnamesische Community.
Nirgendwo sonst in Deutschland sind so viele Geschichten und Gegenwarten vietnamesischer Migration mit konkreten Orten verbunden wie in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Silent Moves setzt O-Töne, Interviews, Akten des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit und Musik zu einem akustischen Archipel zusammen und führt zu Orten vietnamesischen Lebens von der DDR bis zur Gegenwart. So wird das Bezirksgebiet zu einem begehbaren Audioarchiv aus Stimmen von Zeitzeug*innen der „ersten“ und „zweiten Generation“, Ethnolog*innen, Psychiater*innen, Menschenrechtsaktivist*innen und Musiker*innen. Die Hörer*innen sind eingeladen, die akustischen Spuren aufzunehmen und den bewegenden Geschichten vietnamesischer Migrant*innen in Berlin zu folgen.
How to:
Per App. Radio Aporee – Miniatures for Mobiles verknüpft die Beiträge mit einer Open-Street-Map. App starten und Silent Moves auswählen. Auf der Karte sind die Beiträge als rote Kreise makiert. Wenn Sie sich nun in einem dieser Kreise befinden, wird der jeweilige Beitrag automatisch abgespielt. Die App steht auf sowie im Appstore von Apple bzw. im Playstore von Google als kostenloser Download zur Verfügung.
Per Stream. Auf der Homepage befinden sich alle Beiträge in deutscher, englischer und teilweise in vietnamesischer Sprache, die von überall gestreamt werden können. Machen sie sich draußen oder zuhause mit Kopfhörern auf einen akustischen Weg!
Per Mp3-Player. Im Museum Lichtenberg werden gegen Pfand Mp3-Player und Karten kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Bitte informieren Sie sich über die Öffnungszeiten des Museums.
Gefördert durch den Projektfonds für Erinnerungskultur und Zeitgeschichte.
In Kooperation mit dem Bezirksmuseum Berlin – Lichtenberg
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Reistrommel e.V., Vereinigung der Vietnamesen Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Audio walk about the Vietnamese community.
Nowhere else in Deutschland will you find as many histories and contemporary realities of Vietnamese migration linked to specific places as in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Silent Moves gathers original sounds, interviews, files from the Ministry of State Security and music to form an acoustic archipelago that lead to places of Vietnamese life from the GDR to the present day. In this way, the district becomes a walk-in audio archive containing voices of contemporary witnesses of the „first“ and „second generation“, ethnologists, psychiatrists, human rights activists and musicians. The listeners are invited to take the acoustic traces and follow the moving stories of Vietnamese migrants in Berlin.
Silent Moves is an acoustic archipelago of voices and sounds that extends over part of the Berlin district of Lichtenberg. The term Sound-Archipelago refers on the one hand to the fact that the audio files are distributed like islands in the district area and on the other hand are related in terms of content. It is you, dear listeners, who connect the islands with your own route. You are the ones who set out, move and give meaning to what you hear. But to leave it up to you to decide when and how you want to move, there are two options available to you.
This homepage contains all contributions in German, English and Vietnamese language, which you can also stream from this site. In addition, there is a map on this page to help you find your way around.
Funded by: Projektfonds für Erinnerungskultur und Zeitgeschichte
Cooperation: Bezirksmuseum Berlin – Lichtenberg
With friendly support by Reistrommel e.V., Vereinigung der Vietnamesen Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Innere Meute
Radio drama, voice, 2010
Be invited to listen to the short excerpt of 2 min.
The text is by my dear friend Björn Deigner, a drama author and theatre musician.
We recorded parts in a forest and it´s soundscape and echo let me invent some
eery voice-noises. Having studied together at ATW Gießen for nearly a decade,
learning and developing from each others art has always enriched the outcomes
and formed lasting critical exchange.
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hr2 – artist’s corner, 2010
41:36 min
Mit: Ana Berkenhoff, Luise Voigt
Regie: Björn SC Deigner
Musik: Símon Birgisson, Björn SC Deigner
Dramaturgische Mitarbeit: Malte Scholz
Der Walter der Welt
“The keeper of the world” is a short sonic fiction for radio, premiered on Radio Bayern 2, 14.09.2011.
Developed in a sound lab by Felix Kubin.
Under the preset topic “songs on the edge of a Nervous breakdown” it uses a collection of words that are used in articles to describe the stage buildings of Marthaler/ Viebrock – a famous Swiss music theatre director and a stage designer that I adore. (translation: keeper of the world, institute, lunatic asylum, waiting-room, cafeteria hall, mutation between cafeteria and station hall, institute for time destruction, prison, treatment room for mentally handicapped, Greenhouse for hopeless ones, asylum, biting embryonic stage)
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“Der Walter der Welt” ist ein kurz-Hörstück, Ursendung 14.09.2011 im Radio Bayern 2, im Wettbewerb Imaginäre Landschaften: Hymnen – Hörstücke – Sonische Fiktion. Es entstand in einem Sound Lab mit Felix Kubin und geht unter der Überschrift “Songs am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs” mit einer Sammlung Wörter um, die Bühnenbilder von Marthaler/ Viebrock in der Presse beschreiben.

A live radio drama-concert-experiment in collaboration with Katharina Pelosi at One-shot Gallery Berlin, December 2013.
One of the collaborations I love remembering: we worked together in several theatre
productions for other directors, Katharina as a musician, me as a performer/actress.
The rehearsals together always resulted in some special scenes elevating music as
a active performative element. Check “Kaiser Friedrich” for example. This was one
of the things we solely did together. Thank you for the invitation Milena Kipfmüller!
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In december 2013 was the first showing of the draft for “Songhybrid” a new sound-sample-song performance by Katharina Pelosi and Ana Berkenhoff.
Katharina Pelosi is a musician for theater working mostly on electronics. both studied applied theater science and performance making together in Gießen and have been working together several times already:
in “Wartopia” a performance theater by Ana Berkenhoff, Katharina Pelosi, Pedro Martins-Beja and performed at Spieltriebe Festival Osnabrück in 2011
and in “Michael Kohlhaas frei nach Kleist” a show by Felix Meier-Christian at Kampnagel Hamburg which was honoured with the appearance at the Young directors Körber studio at Thalia Theater Hamburg. In both shows K.P. was the musician and A.A. as a performer/actress- while still the figures of the male directors stood in front – what did lead to the decision to start sth. themselves, only woman and on the same level doing musical performances together that crash on the use of song and movement and get more radical than what was aloud in their theatre engagements.
The final decision came during the creation of a simple theatre scene for “Kohlhaas” to express the character of the Emperor Friedrich of Sax – a duo between musician and performer-shifting the responsibilities and the usage of sound.
“Songhybrid” got it´s start with a residency in Berlin at One-Shot-Gallery.
syngur dátt
One hour experimental musical radio drama.
From the experimental musical project with Símon Birgisson.
Aired at HAU3 Berlin during 100° Festival 2009.
It contains some songs of our album and some special voice work.
I still use parts of it in current concerts. Especially imitating the broken
organ is very exiting to work with – I fancy doing effects manually 🙂
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Our songs exzerpt
This is a 10 min. excerpt from a one-hour experimental-musical-radiodrama that I hope to put on vinyl sometime./span>
I partly grew up at my german grandmother. She grew up between the two world wars and spent her young adulthood in girl-camps helping on farms. Singing kept her alive and able to deal with the hard work. She was called “Singerle”.
The “Wandervogel” movement influenced her immense song collection, as well as the chansons and hits of her time. My song making is experimentation. As long as my grandmother lived I thought I also should know songs. It took a while to realise that song making and experimentation is valid too.
In this work you hear my very early sounds&songs combined with her singing short before her death. My music was not yet established and refined, her voice was about to leave and a big love connected us. This piece was a liberation from my own expectations to music making, singing and composition.
What you hear:
Broken organ, voice imitating a broken organ, e-piano, synthesiser, rollerblades, guitar, drums, keys
Composition, recordings, songs, arrangement Ana Berkenhoff
Simon Birgisson, guitar, piano, voice
Annemarie Berkenhoff, Erich Berkenhoff
The number of the Beast
In collaboration with the Icelandic artist/dramaturg Símon Birgisson.
Done 2in 009 at ATW Gießen during the class with Daniel Wetzel/Rimini Protokoll.
Choir by Ana and Simon Birgisson
Song Music Band Projekt.
An Icelandic-German cooperation played at ATW Gießen 2008/9
HAU Berlin Festival 100°
Wolters Tage
H2 – Artist’s Corner, 2005
Radio drama by Björn Deigner, winning the Weimarer Hörspielpreis.
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Mit Ana Berkenhoff
Pieces for Radio
Listening station. Viel Spaß beim reinhören!
Air play
Hörspiel, Muße zum Zuhören für musikalische und dramaturgische Experimente. Hier ausgewählte eigene Arbeiten und meine Liebsten, in denen ich als Stimme mitwirke.
If you are a fan of listening practice: take your time. Here you find some excellent radio experiments.