21.10.19 | On air on Datscha Radio Berlin, Show Night Gardening III
14 hours of nocturnal radio ceremonies from 5:57 pm on, temperatures between 13 and 8 degrees with a waning moon, and our artist list is just great! It is also fitting that October the 21st is also the “Worldwide Day of Feminist Radio”. Datscha Radio’s online stream will be shared from about 11 pm by two radio stations, Freirad Innsbruck and Freies Radio Neumünster, until sunrise. From midnight on, we can also be heard in England
7.9.19 | XR Uprising North London, Boat Stage
Fb event It's happening - Haringey, Islington, Camden, Enfield and Barnet are joining together to bring you a beautiful weekend full of actions, workshops, trainings and local musicians. On September 7th and 8th, we will occupy the streets of North London and celebrate our community spirit. This event is open to EVERYONE, North London and beyond - inductions will be available troughout the weekend. Join us and prepare for the next Rebellion starting October 7! Expect a rich
5.-7.10.19 | Solo Performance Konzert ERA GELDES: Federal Fluxus, Frankfurt LAB
Read more here ERA GELDES & The Party: Federal Fluxus Liebe FreundInnen des Frankfurt LAB, liebe Performanceabenteuer LiebhaberInnen wir freuen uns im Oktober erneut die Künstlerin Ana Berkenhoff & Team für Proben und Präsentation zu begrüßen. Mit im Gepäck Era Geldes, unter der sie in England mit kruden Instrumenten krachende Liedlandschaften schafft: Nach einer Residenz, knapp und frisch in progress, mit viel Musik ziehen wir los durch die sieben schreckreichen Täler frei nach "Die Konferenz der Vögel" von