23.8.19 | Stimme in dem Klangarchipel Silent Moves, Berlin
Ab 23.8. zu hören als englische Stimme in dem Klangarchipel Silent Moves, über vietnamesische Migration nach Berlin, von Matthias Schönijahn, Berlin
10.8.19 | Opening Concert at Skronk Festival, New River Studios, London
On the 17th of this month it’s time for Skronkfest 2019, a festival in which a whole variety of artists, bands, music and sound makers come together for a eclectic day of good fun. With a super pact program planned it’s nuts to check out all the artists that will appear, still to gain a little insight and just get that little edge of excitement going to get us all in the mood, we here at YIKIS
8.8.19 | On air: Datscha Radio Berlin in Nightgardening II: Frequencies and Fragrances
Fb event In its second episode of Night Gardening Datscha Radio will explore the radiophonic world of "Frequencies and Fragrances". Our location will be Treptow, in an allotment garden of the "Kolonie "Grüne Weide e.V." Datscha Radio is looking forward to welcome you on its second iteration of Night Gardening! As widely sorted as garden chores might be, depending on weather, the gardener’s mood, prevalent thriving plant species, surprise guests, and time of the day, our excursion into